Preston Schoenherr at UCLA

Preston is now a senior studying theater at UCLA (class of 2024). He still performs plenty, but he has also specialized in playwriting, sound design, and (to a lesser extent) video production and editing. Just a fun fact, the only thing currently on his IMDB page is his work editing 2 'episodes' of a student filmed adaptation of The Seagull. Preston hopes to add more credits to his page in the coming years!

Preston has assistant sound design for two department productions and co-sound designed both the workshop and final production of his first full-length play, Sharty. This coming-of-age comedy play written by Preston and directed by Tristan Brousseau, explores masculinity and male relationships. Read more about Sharty here. For the show, he produced a number of video-promos which currently have a combined total of over 7,500 views that can be watched on the Sharty Instagram account where you can also access a recording of the initial workshop and a recording of the show.

Preston is also the senior co-captain of a student improv team, Identity Crisis, which is a subsidiary of The Shenanigans Comedy Club. He also produced a video promo for one of our solo shows, which has reached nearly 3,000 views. Follow them here!

Upcoming projects

In the fall Preston will be doing a sound design internship, working on a small handful of films and theater pieces that he can't say much else about yet.

This academic year, he is also collaborating with the director of Sharty to create an immersive theater experience tentatively called The Last Hurrah at Big Rock. It will be a small-scale, one-to-three night only event that he will do his best to film the creation and production of, ideally to produce a short film about the subject of the piece itself. That short would be something everyone involved could use as part of a resume/portfolio for their design/performance work.

He is currently workshopping/editing his newest full length play, Sad Wizard Play. It's a play about... well, sad wizards. He hopes to have it in a semi-finished state in the coming months. After that Preston would love to start submitting to festivals and/or put together a production himself.

“I'd really like to thank everybody at The Anthony Quinn Foundation for their generosity and dedication. My experience at The Cherubs at Northwestern program was crucial in my development as an artist and a person; my scholarship from the foundation made that experience financially possible. I'm incredibly privileged to be able to work on my art in the capacity I do. My journey would be very different had I not been able to attend that summer intensive. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

Preston Schoenherr

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