Moscelyne ParkeHarrison

2014 Dance Scholarship Recipient

Moscelyne's life has been deeply intertwined with various forms of art from an early age. Born into a creative environment, she witnessed her parents engaging with elaborate sets and interacting with art dealers in New York galleries. For Moscelyne, art is a comprehensive expression that encompasses both performing and visual aspects, where different forms intertwine to convey profound meaning. From her first outing as a baby, observing Robert Rauschenberg's sculptures, to painting red flowers with pride, art has remained a constant presence in her life. Dance holds a special place in her heart, drawing inspiration from Moscelyne Larkin, one of Oklahoma's renowned Native American ballerinas who prioritized artistry over technique. Moscelyne's desire to dance is driven by a passion to pour her creativity into this art form.

Attending Walnut Hill, a prestigious arts high school, has allowed Moscelyne to develop her classical ballet technique. However, she yearns to explore beyond traditional ballet and seeks opportunities to acquire new techniques and expand her movement vocabulary. She envisions joining a contemporary ballet company, enticed by the fusion of ballet athleticism and modern elements in contemporary ballet. Moscelyne finds excitement in the ongoing evolution of this dance form, as it offers multifaceted opportunities for dancers to engage in the creative process and collaborate with other artists.

Driven by her innate creativity and a hunger for exploration, Moscelyne aspires to integrate different artistic disciplines into her dance. She seeks to be a part of the dynamic process shaping contemporary ballet and wishes to contribute to its evolution while finding her own path in the dance world.